Cute B/Day Cards!

Caleb & Aubrey have just been so cute about my birthday today. Caleb keeps
on telling me Happy Birthday! So sweet! They made these cards
for me yesterday with Mike! Too cute!
This one is Caleb's! That's me and him on top of the heart. That's our house
on the left, a random dog and cat and a volcano erupting!;) He has this
thing about volcanoes lately! Funny kid!
This one is Aubrey's! The little animal on the left is a dog
next to a tower and the black circle on the bottom is an eye! Who knows
where she gets this stuff!;)
I am so blessed to have these little cuties as my children!
I am so grateful for my ability to have children and for an incredible
husband who works so hard so that I can stay at home and
take care of them!
These are the best birthday presents ever!;)

Pianos & Little People

This morning I found Aubrey playing my piano and sporting one of her
ballet dresses!
I don't let the kiddos play on the keys so this is the
This is what Mr. Luke was up to this morning!

Tattoos Anyone?

Caleb got home from school and had to join in the fun! Silly kids!
For crying out loud! 13 tattoos for the Aubrey girlie this morning!
Aubrey decided she wanted to do tattoos this morning!
Luke actually liked them this time! The last
time I tried tattoos w/him he just rubbed and rubbed
it trying to get it off, poor kid!

Double Digits!

I hit double digits today!! Yeah! 99 days left! 26 weeks tomorrow!
The top picture is taken by Caleb - the bottom by Aubrey.
Oh, did I mention I've gained 32 pounds? 32 pounds!! Oh, and this
is actually the least amount of weight gain by 26 weeks for me! I've posted
this for all my other prego friends to feel that much better
about themselves!;)

My sista, ali cat, curley face, etc...

Yeah for Ali! She's engaged & we're so happy for her!
Love her to death!

Impromptu Weekend

My sister & brother in law stayed w/us this weekend! We had so
much fun! We went hiking, to the strip, and to the mini grand prix.
It was so great to have the kiddos see their cousins and for us
to hang out with my sister and brother in law!
Love this pic!
Watching the kids drive the go karts was just hilarious!

I love his dimples!
Caleb and Evan had such fun together!

Silly girl!
Outside Treasure Island!
The girlies loved to cruise around in Aubrey's jeep! So cute!


I'm answering this tag on my blog instead of on facebook - I hope that's okay Sally!;)
1. When was your "engagement" anniversary? August 18th

2. When is your actual wedding anniversary? October 11th 2002

3. How long have you known your spouse? The summer of 1999. Ali, my sis, and I got him and Steve Cherry confused. I believe we called them SteveMike for a bit.

4. How long did you date/court before you were engaged? 5 months. I was so lucky - we got to go to Ashland and Missouri together before we were engaged. It gave me the opportunity to see him in a different light rather than just at church. I learned he doesn't like Shakespeare plays - I think that's the only strike against him! We all thought he'd ask me in Missouri! But nope, a week later back at home!

5. Where did you meet your spouse for the first time? Playing indoor soccer - his offensive skills are no match for my defensive skills! lol!

6. What is your spouse's full name? Michael Lee Charles Boulant - I know for crying out loud - might as well have 5 middle names!

7. Do you have any children yet? Yep. Caleb, Aubrey, Luke and baby Tessa in July!

8. How many? That would make the final 4.

9. Do you have any house pets? Unfortunately yes, 4 fish. I hate animals. Well, I hate animals in my house.

10. Do you own a house or rent? Both.

11. Do you live in the country/town/city? Vegas Baby. ;) No, it's not like that - believe it or not!

12. What is one of your favorite activities together? Him giving me a back rub - no j/k, well partly j/k. We love v/ball, soccer, b/ball, sports in general. Love to hike, renovate houses, watch Idol & play cards. I kick his bum in speed and nertz - we're 50/50 in Gin Rummy.;)

13. Do you have a favorite vacation spot? Vacation? What's that? We love visiting his brothers and anybody from my fam! I think since I turn 30 this year we should go cruisin!

14. How many siblings (including in-laws)? Well, Mike has 2 brothers, I have 1 brother and 4 rockin sistas!

15. What church do you attend? LDS!

16. Is this the church you were married in? We were sealed in the Oakland Temple

17. In what town is your current address? Vegas. Never knew how ugly the desert really is or how hot it really can get! Fantastic shopping and tons for the kiddos to do! I seriously have 2 Super Targets within 15 minutes of my house!

18. Do you work or stay at home? I stay at home chasing around 3 kiddos!

19. Where did you go on your honeymoon? Nowhere! School and a Caleb 10 months later slows things like that down!

20. Leave a piece of advice for the other couple: Mike says, "don't do drugs". Really, just make sure you both keep a good sense of humor.

Help me!;)

Can someone help me?
How do I download/upload a video from my
video camera onto my blog?!
Please help!!

Hiking & Cousins!

We went up hiking early this morning but Luke started
to not feel so hot....
So we left earlier than planned, and were so glad because....
We got a surprise call from my sis-in-law and her family!
They stopped by on their way to Cedar City!
We had so much fun w/them! They were here for just an hour or two
so we decided to grab some lunch at A&W!
This was the best surprise ever! It was so fun to see them
& be able to visit for a bit!

Hats & Blankets

So I love to crochet! Hats, purses & blankets for my kiddos!
Caleb, Aubrey and Luke all have a blanket
plus numerous hats - now it's baby Tess' turn!
Aubrey modeled her matching hat for me the other day!